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In the Media
Get to know Herb better through his articles, speaking engagements and press interviews.
"COVID-19 Is Changing Healthcare Delivery for the Better; How Can We Make These Changes Stick?" by Herb Riband, Christina Rångemark Åkerman and Carolina Aguilar—April 15, 2020. LinkedIn.
Other articles can be found here.
Speaking engagements
Planetary Health Alliance Annual Meeting
Stanford University–Palo Alto (CA), Sept 2019
Presentation and Panel Moderation: “NCDs and Planetary Health: Common Challenges and Co-Beneficial Solutions”
The Economist Events:
War on Cancer Middle East–
Dubai (UAE), May 2018
Panelist: “Innovation in Health Systems”
Convergence in Oncology Summit–Lausanne (Switzerland), Sept 2019. Presentation and Panel Moderation: “Cancer Prevention and Holistic Solutions to Benefit Patients and Society”
Health Tech Summit–Lausanne (Switzerland), June 2019. Keynote Speech: Attractiveness of the European Health Market: A View from Silicon Valley.” Presentation and Panel Moderation: “The U.S., European and Asian Healthtech Markets”
International Consortium of Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) Annual Congress–Rotterdam (Netherlands), May 2019, Presentation and Panel Moderation: “Industry Examples of VBHC”
Value Based Healthcare–Warsaw (Poland), May 2019. Keynote Speech: “An International Perspective: How Can a Focus on ‘Value’ Mean Better Healthcare?”
The Economist Events: War on Cancer LATAM–Bogota (Colombia), Sept 2017. Panelist: “Innovation in Health Systems”
Press Interviews
AGEFI, Switzerland (Sept 2019)
Portafolio, Colombia (Sept 2017)
Med Express, Poland (May 2019)
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